Some learning findings about Jessica

Category: edci338

TikTok for learning. (show case)

“Over the last few years, TikTok has become one of the largest learning platforms in the world: It’s available in over 150 markets and is one of the most downloaded apps in 40-plus countries. On the app, which is available in 75 languages, creators make a variety of short-form videos on everything from cooking hacks to dance moves to crafts and math skills. The hashtag #LearnOnTikTok currently has more than seven billion views.”(Schwab, 2021)Accompanied by TikTok short video learning platform for the acceptance of the people more and more high, short video media attention to learn more and more is also high, is not as good as in the student period, students and teachers can learn by TikTok watch you need corresponding video, after graduation, graduates can also work by short video platform to find their own goals.

Here I would like to give an example of my TikTok account. When COVID-19 broke out in 2021, I chose to suspend my studies and go back to my hometown China to start my internship. At the end of May 2022, I successfully got internship offers from big Internet companies including Byte Runout of TikTok headquarters and Baidu of China. However, as MY major is economics, my final career plan is the financial industry. However, due to my insufficient working experience in the financial industry, So I haven’t been hired by any financial firm until June 2022. So in 20222 I thought of using TikTok short video platform in June, I tidy up my internship existing released on TikTok, less than two days, I received more than three thousand thumb up, and more than 30 play, because of the short video, I not only get to know many classmate also interested in the financial industry, at the same time, A human resources manager of a first-tier angel investment fund company contacted me, and after an interview with him, I got a precious internship opportunity in the financial industry.

TikTok videos about organizing my internship

Search algorithm recommended by big data computer technology I think convenient and saved people use the Internet time, with the progress of science and technology and perfect, nowadays people may need to brush only three or four video will see their interest, next to the graduate students prepare to participate in campus recruitment can make use of the computer technology will greatly reduce the time consumption students looking for work.

So in general, Tiktok is not only helpful for People’s Daily life entertainment, but also for students’ daily learning video player software and later learning aid, and even for job applicants looking for jobs.


Schwab, K. (2021, April 12). TikTok is a thriving learning community-and may be the future of Education. Fast Company. Retrieved July 22, 2022, from

The two sides of using social media for educational communication.

“Today, both social media and technology have become an indispensable part of our lives. Every individual who is above 13 years old will have their account on any of the popular social media networks such as Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram, Etc. WhatsApp has raised the minimum age to 16 years old “(Willbold, 2021) As the data pointed out in this article, social media has become an indispensable part of People’s Daily life. Social media is not only used for daily communication, but also widely used for work communication, daily study and live broadcasting.

For example, in the typical social software, people use Zoom to conduct online meetings. This software enables people to start working and communicating at any time on the premise that they only have a computer. Instagram, Tiktok and other software that can play short videos are often used by some businesses to promote their products and increase their sales by taking advantage of the popularity of Internet videos. In addition, I think there are more software that can help students learn. Students can use Zoom, SnapChat or Whatsapp to communicate with their professors or study group members anytime and anywhere in real time. They can also use YouTube, Instagram or other websites to find the learning materials they need. Or post videos showing your learning achievements to discuss them with others who are also interested in the content.

But on the other hand, I think some of the social media in helping the students to learn when there are some problem that nots allow to ignore, such as for some families can’t afford to buy a computer or network cost family, these families are students will not be able to and all other online learning style of students can be normal use, for the convenience of online education resources.

The importance of social media having a positive impact.

“You’ve probably heard about some of the negative effects social media can have on our lives. And while they may be true, they by no means have to be the standard or even the norm. The truth is that social media can also be beneficial for society. It can help individuals connect and deepen their relationships. Social media also encourages students to learn and grow. And it can empower busines ses to build their audiences and boost their bottom line.” (HaShem, 2022) as HaShem said, although there are some risks in the use of social media, I think social media has a great positive impact on educators, lawyers, job seekers and so on.

In my last blog post, I described in some detail how social media can be very convenient for job seekers and recruiters. In this post, I want to highlight some of the risks that social media can pose to educators, as well as to them.!/fw/700/watermark/url/L3hzai93YXRlcl9kZXRhaWwyLnBuZw/align/southeast

I am currently a junior at the department of economics, when I’m in the review of economic course, I have noticed on Youtube search module is about all I have to study for a learning video will be very much on the economy, some is a professor at the university of some well-known, some are some cartoon version there is no exact information of the names of the authors study video, While lamenting the convenience provided by free online learning videos to students taking me as an example, I also worry about some problems, such as whether the learning videos without the author’s real identity information are persuasive and whether some knowledge points are explained accurately.

Based on these concerns, I think, in dealing with the way besides Internet related regulators need to intensify supervision, public media literacy also need to strengthen the publisher, such as the use of some official identification ID number further certification issued by the government of the electronic identity on the Internet social media, such as video makers after released video, People can think of their videos as more credible.


Hashem, H. (2022, June 6). 13 positive effects of social media on our society today. Kubbco. Retrieved July 17, 2022, from

The absolute dominance of social media in daily life.

As I pointed out in the previous two articles, I think social media not only facilitates students’ study and daily work, but also presents different challenges to users.

For students who use social media for community learning, the benefits of social media are obviously convenient for their study. Students from different countries and regions can participate in the same community learning at the same time, which reduces their travel costs and time. In addition, They can participate in multiple regional learning communities in the same location.

At the same time, I also want to put forward a new advantage of social media in this blog, the inclusiveness of social media.

When I read a sophomore, I met on a class a girl with a social disorder, we need public speaking of this lesson, there are many homework, because there were no COVID – 19, so online teaching way is not popular, so she’s in front of the first public speech even afraid to shiver, based on her this kind of situation, Our professor suggested that she could record her speech online in a comfortable environment and then send the video link to the teacher, which undoubtedly solved her problem. This is also my initial understanding of online learning.

When it comes to using social media for recruitment, I think it is very beneficial for both employers and job seekers. Employers can learn basic personal information and internship experience of a job seeker from a job seeker’s homepage, and even the job seeker’s target position and expected salary range. This greatly saves the time for recruiters and job seekers to exchange basic information, because ten years ago, when online communication was not very popular, people still needed to fill in information at the desired company first, submit resumes, and wait for employers to review resumes before conducting interviews.

To sum up, social media can not only facilitate People’s Daily work and study, but even when they are looking for their favorite jobs. Some specific social media software can also help job seekers and employers quickly search their target information for comparison.

Different uses of social media in daily life

In my opinion, this map of visitors and residents is the map example that can most clearly distinguish the positioning of users in various social media software, and I think the study of visitors and residents map is very important, because with the popularization of Internet use, even some people who are against using the Internet have to use it sometimes.

For example, since 2020, in order to control and block the spread of COVID-19, schools have stopped offline face-to-face teaching and switched to online teaching. At this time, how to help students and teachers who are new users of the Internet to quickly adapt to the network environment is an issue that cannot be ignored.

I think if you want to categorize the use of social media, social media can be divided into two categories: assisting with work and making friends.
For the students, the information on the school website to register their students, such as the student account number and the name of the student photo these content to identify their own unique digital identity, the digital identity to help students on the school website browse their own learning progress, at the same time, the unique digital identity to ensure the privacy of students. In addition, when a student near graduation, they will face the problem of getting a job, and now looking for a job ways except in its official recommended by the school, students can log on to their interest in the company’s official website browse the recruiting information for delivery, in addition, led the British is also a employers and job seekers can online platform of choice to each other at the same time, Students and employers create their own digital identities to match target companies with employees. This online approach is more efficient than the traditional approach of sending resumes to different companies for interviews.

As I noted in my last blog, “The Necessary to Build Social Media Networks and Digital identities.” In The aftermath of COVID-19, Online communication provides a barrier-free communication platform for students and teachers, which is undoubtedly beneficial to users. But for some new users of the Internet, they may not be very skilled in how to avoid the leakage of information security on the Internet. The common practice is to create a new user of a website using complex passwords to avoid password cracking and how to identify fake comb identities on the Internet. These security problems require new Internet users to be more careful when operating their accounts.

The necessary to build social media networks and digital identities.

With the development of economic and social globalization, frequent use of the Internet as a social tool has become inevitable in People’s Daily work, life and study. Along with the security issue of Internet privacy leakage, I believe that when we can establish a digital identity on social media network, the positive influence brought to us by the public networking is far more than its negative influence.

It is undeniable that how to ensure that every digital identity individual’s personal information on the Internet is not leaked is a long-term concern and has not been completely solved. “I never asked my future grandchildren for permission to offer their data to a scientific database. I made a decision about the privacy of my data that affects numerous people who are implicated but who have no say. And, in doing so, I learned information about them that they may not wish to know, let alone have me know. “(Danah) Information about other people’s records or our own has been leaked in places we haven’t noticed. This is the risk and harm brought by the public communication characteristics of social media while bringing us convenience.

On the other hand, the creation of digital identities and the widespread use of social media networks has been a huge boon. For example, during the two-year COVID-19 pandemic, normal offline learning and daily life were suspended to stop the spread of the disease, while online learning and working have provided a new way for all students, teachers and workers.

So overall, I think set up their own digital identity on social media network and the positive influence and public interaction is far outweigh the risks, while in the social media successfully build their own digital identity, because some areas or other people can’t immediately face to face communication can influence through this digital identity quick stereo understanding to each other’s career, Nicknames, even birthdays and hobbies, make it easier for people to find jobs remotely or study online.


danah, boyd. (n.d.). View of networked privacy. Retrieved July 10, 2022, from