“Over the last few years, TikTok has become one of the largest learning platforms in the world: It’s available in over 150 markets and is one of the most downloaded apps in 40-plus countries. On the app, which is available in 75 languages, creators make a variety of short-form videos on everything from cooking hacks to dance moves to crafts and math skills. The hashtag #LearnOnTikTok currently has more than seven billion views.”(Schwab, 2021)Accompanied by TikTok short video learning platform for the acceptance of the people more and more high, short video media attention to learn more and more is also high, is not as good as in the student period, students and teachers can learn by TikTok watch you need corresponding video, after graduation, graduates can also work by short video platform to find their own goals.

Here I would like to give an example of my TikTok account. When COVID-19 broke out in 2021, I chose to suspend my studies and go back to my hometown China to start my internship. At the end of May 2022, I successfully got internship offers from big Internet companies including Byte Runout of TikTok headquarters and Baidu of China. However, as MY major is economics, my final career plan is the financial industry. However, due to my insufficient working experience in the financial industry, So I haven’t been hired by any financial firm until June 2022. So in 20222 I thought of using TikTok short video platform in June, I tidy up my internship existing released on TikTok, less than two days, I received more than three thousand thumb up, and more than 30 play, because of the short video, I not only get to know many classmate also interested in the financial industry, at the same time, A human resources manager of a first-tier angel investment fund company contacted me, and after an interview with him, I got a precious internship opportunity in the financial industry.

TikTok videos about organizing my internship

Search algorithm recommended by big data computer technology I think convenient and saved people use the Internet time, with the progress of science and technology and perfect, nowadays people may need to brush only three or four video will see their interest, next to the graduate students prepare to participate in campus recruitment can make use of the computer technology will greatly reduce the time consumption students looking for work.

So in general, Tiktok is not only helpful for People’s Daily life entertainment, but also for students’ daily learning video player software and later learning aid, and even for job applicants looking for jobs.


Schwab, K. (2021, April 12). TikTok is a thriving learning community-and may be the future of Education. Fast Company. Retrieved July 22, 2022, from https://www.fastcompany.com/90624117/tiktok-future-of-education-learning